Most children don’t like to go to school, and they just want to enjoyfreedom and hang out for fun all the time. But when I see some kids studying sohard and their special skills help them to win applause, I realize that I needto learn some skills so as to win more freedom in the future.
New York is the first city in America. When people come to take a visit ofAmerica, they always choose New York as their destination. New York has manyworld-famous tourist attractions and people can find them in the Hollywoodmovies. The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbolic building, which representsAmerica. The statue is a gift to the people of United States from people ofFrance. The meaning of freedom and friendship are shared by both countries.Today, the meaning of this statue is admitted by the world and when people seeit, they think of freedom. On the right hand, the woman holds a torch and on herleft hand is the book called Declaration of Independence. What's more, on herfoot is the broken chains. All of these stands for freedom.
According to a recent article on Newsweek concerning children’s’ education,there is an increasing number of parents worrying their kids to an extremeextent, depriving them of independence and freedom by keeping them aroundparents all the time.
Some people applaud this phenomenon, suggesting that kids’ safety is themost important. Thus, they’d better not enter the hazardous society withoutsupervision unless they become adults. From my point of view, some of theiropinion is correct but keeping children away from independence is a completelyerroneous decision. The reasons are as follows:
First and foremost, “locking kids” may hinder their healthy growth, bothmentally and physically. The kids who are locked may have heavy reliance ontheir parents, as their comprehensive skills such as communication skills orcooperative spirit being prevented from developing.
Secondly, what these parents fail to see is the fact that the crime rateand accidents aren’t on a rapid rise. It is the abuse of mass media that makecrimes and violence more scary. The parents, who love their kids so much, arecompletely forced to live under the illusion that our society is full of riotsor threats of accidents. Thus, kids can be allowed to have more freedom such aswalking to school by himself, for instance.
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion thatkids should be given more freedom by parents’ effort. At the same time, parentsshould take many factors into consideration such as the time restriction forchildren and the evaluation to kids’ maturity and capability. Only then can theyenjoy a safe and meaningful childhood.
Freedom is an important right of people. It usually refers that you can dowant you want and live the life you want. Of course, it must be on the basisthat you can’t affect others’ freedom. Otherwise, it does not belong to yourfreedom anymore. In my opinion, freedom is not you can do whatever you want, butyou don’t have to do what you don’t want to. We live in the same society, whichthere are many rules constraining our behaviors. Therefore, we can’t do whateverwe want. But we are not forced to do what we don’t want to is freedom.
New York is the first big city in America. It is the world’s commercialcenter and there are many sites that attract people from all over the world totake a visit. One of the famous sites is the Statue of Liberty. Everybody knowsthis great site and it has become the symbol of New York.
The Statue of Liberty stands on an island of the New York City harbor. Itis the tallest building ever built. When people get there, they will see a womanholding a torch of fire. In her feet, people can see the chains that are broken,which means she gets away from the restrictions and chases for freedom. There isa book on her right hand, which is the Declaration of Independence.
The complete name of this statue is Liberty Enlightening the World. It isthe present from French people to American people. The meaning of friendship andfreedom are shared by both countries. Today, the meaning of the Statue ofLiberty is shared by the world. People can feel the peace when they see thisimage.